Nikola Isakov
Web 10 , Online
Certified Senior Demandware Developer with 5 years of experience in e-commerce field, 4 years with Demandware. Have been involved with web technologies for 7 years and proficient in both front-end and back-end development.As a Demandware developer I have been enrolled in more than 15 large scale projects for a recognizable brands in fashion and furniture industries.
In previous two companies, I was lucky to work with Magento and to develop frontend for few high-end websites from scratch by collaborating with team which consisted of 3-5 developers. I’ve worked on customizing existing themes to meet the client requirements. Also, I’ve been working in a support team that has been responsible for more than 20 projects with responsive viewport.
My interests are React, Progressive Web Apps, Accelerated Mobile Pages and everything related to the frontend performances and improving overall UX.
My Specialties:
Demandware, Magento, Frontend development, Javascript
Trenutno radim...
“Full stack Demandware Developer
Momentum Digital Solutions“
Učionica {
- Uvod u web
- Teorija (web) dizajna
- Fireworks
- PhpStorm
- CSS učionica
- Responsive design učionica
- Rad na ličnom sajtu
- JavaScript za web dizajnere
- Uvod u PHP programiranje
- Rad sa klijentom
- HTML učionica
Online {
- Web dizajn
Svakome ko je i malo zainteresovan za web dizajn preporučujem Krojačevu školu. Predavači prenose znanje na lako razumljiv način, tako da i ako nemate prethodno znanje o dizajnu, lako ćete ući u web dizajn vode. Za mene je pohadjanje Krojačeve škole bilo predivno iskustvo.